The X-Philes (2nd Revision)
The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso
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Internet Message Format
From comp.sys.handhelds Fri Feb 1 07:39:15 1991
Path: mentor.cc.purdue.edu!purdue!news.cs.indiana.edu!msi.umn.edu!noc.MR.NET!gacvx2.gac.edu!hhdist
From: HUBER@gacvx1.gac.edu (Tom Huber, Gustavus Adolphus College, (507) 933-7036)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.handhelds
Subject: RE: HP48SX: Full screen menu program, mark III
Message-ID: <A8AD50EC40003CF2@gacvx1.gac.edu>
Date: 31 Jan 91 23:22:00 GMT
Lines: 287
Michael Woodhams posted the program FSMENU, mark III
(Message-ID: <5816@idunno.Princeton.EDU>)
Michael has added several excellent features to the full screen menu
program. There were, however, several typos in the posted programs.
Below are downloadable versions of the programs with the bugs (at least the
ones I found) fixed
(PS: I would recommend that you put KEYSIZE, UCLEAR and UMOD in your
HOME directory rather than in the FSMENU directory as recommended by
Michael otherwise it will be difficult to use UMOD from another directory)
Tom Huber, Physics Department
Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN 56082
Bitnet: HUBER@GACVAX1 Internet: HUBER@GAC.EDU (507)933-7036
Checksum: #B2F7h Size:492.5 (Evaluated by 'KEYSIZE' BYTES)
%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
{ 6 #20d #22d #42d #22d }
{ 6 #20d #22d #42d #22d }
{ 6 #20d #22d #42d #22d }
{ 6 #20d #22d #42d #22d }
{ 5 #42d #44d #64d #22d }
{ 5 #20d #24d #49d #27d }
{ 5 #20d #24d #49d #27d }
{ 5 #20d #24d #49d #27d }
Checksum: #7ED9h Size:776
%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
"Enter number of rows" @ Get number of rows of keys and
{ V } INPUT OBJ\-> @ store it in local variable "n"
\-> n
IF 'n<1 OR n>8 OR FP(n)\=/0' THEN
KILL @ quit if n is out of range
ERASE {#0d #0d} PVIEW @ erase screen and display it
1 n FOR row @ for each row
KEYSIZE row GET @ get the list of key size parameters
LIST\-> DROP @ disassemble it into components
\-> m e1 s2 e2 inc @ and store in local variables
@ m=number of keys in this row
@ e1=last pixel in the first key
@ s2=first pixel in the second key
@ e2=last pixel in the second key
@ inc=distance between start of second and
@ third keys
1 m FOR col @ for each key in the row
IF 'col==1' THEN @ if first row, then
#0d e1 @ draw from pixel 0 to e1
ELSE @ else
col 2 - inc *
DUP s2 + @ draw from s2+(col-2)*inc
SWAP e2 + @ to e2+(col-2)*inc
\-> x1 x2 @ put the left and right x-coordinates of
@ the key into x1 and x2
row 1 - 8 * DUP 6 + FOR line
@ for line = (row-1)*8 to (row-1)*8+6
@ (for line=top pixel of key to bottom pixel)
x1 line R\->B 2 \->LIST @ make coordinate list {x1 line}
x2 line R\->B 2 \->LIST @ make coordinate list {x2 line}
LINE @ draw line between coordinates
NEXT @ next line
\>> @ end of x1, x2 local variable block
NEXT @ next col (i.e. next key in the row)
\>> @ end of m, e1, s2, e2, inc variable block
NEXT @ next row
PICT {#8d #41d} "\Ga" @ write alpha on the alpha shift key
1 \->GROB GXOR @ (even if fewer than 6 rows were requested)
PICT {#7d #49d}
GROB 7 5 4020F72444 GXOR @ write left arrow on gold shift key
PICT {#7d #57d}
GROB 7 5 0102F71211 GXOR @ write right arrow on blue shift key
PICT {#0d #0d} @ put PICT, {#0d #0d}, {#131d n*#8-#1}
#131d n #8d * #1d - 2 \->LIST @ onto stack
SUB @ and extract the picture of the keyboard
@ from the graphics screen. (If there were
@ not enough rows for the alpha and/or shift
@ keys to be displayed, the alpha, left and
@ right arrows that were drawn on the screen
@ will be left behind at this stage
{ } @ Now make the list of key definitions
@ These braces will delimit the list of
@ row information
1 n FOR row @ for each row
{ } @ These braces will delimit the list of
@ information for each key in the row
1 KEYSIZE row GET 1 GET @ get number of keys in the row from KEYSIZE
FOR col @ for each key in the row
{ { } } + @ add an empty list to the row list
@ for each key in the row
NEXT @ next col
1 \->LIST @ Imbed the row list in another set of braces
+ @ add the row list to the master list
NEXT @ next row
\>> @ end of n local variable block
\>> @ end of UCLEAR program
Checksum: #B2E9h Size:1632
%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
DUP RCL SIZE @ find size (number of rows) of values variable
\-> ugrob uvalues n @ store names of variables in ugrob, uvalues
@ and number of rows in n
ugrob RCL PICT STO @ store keyboard picture in graphics screen
{#0d #0d} PVIEW @ and display it
0 WAIT @ get a keystroke
IF DUP n 1 + 10 * > THEN @ if keystroke comes from a row after row n
DROP ugrob uvalues KILL @ restore stack and kill program
DUP 10 / IP @ find row number of the key
SWAP IP 10 MOD @ and column number of the key
\-> row col @ store in local variables row, col
KEYSIZE row GET @ get list for this row from KEYSIZE
IF 'col==1' THEN @ if this is the first key in the row
2 GET #0d @ the rightmost and leftmost pixels of the key
@ are e1 (2nd element of list) and #0
ELSE @ if this is not the first key in the row
LIST\-> DROP @ disassemble the list
col 2 - * @ put inc*(col-2) on the stack
SWAP OVER @ stack contains:
@ m e1 s2 inc*(col-2) e2 inc*(col-2)
+ ROT ROT + @ stack contains:
@ m e1 e2+inc*(col-2) s2+inc*(col-2)
ROT DROP ROT DROP @ stack contains:
@ e2+inc*(col-2) s2+inc*(col-2)
@ i.e. rightmost and leftmost pixels of the key
row 1 - 8 * @ stack contains:
@(rightmost pixel) (leftmost pixel) (top pixel)
\-> x2 x1 y @ store these in x2, x1, y
PICT @ put PICT on stack for use later
0 @ put a junk value on stack to drop inside loop
DROP @ drop junk value or previous bad label
STD @ put calc in std mode to display row and col
row "," + col +
" Label?" + @ assemble prompt string
{ \Ga } INPUT @ input label for key as a string
1 \->GROB @ turn it into a grob
DUP SIZE DROP @ loop until x size of grob is smaller than key
'x2-x1' EVAL \<= @ ("\<=" means less than or equals. I may have
@ the wrong code here.)
DUP SIZE DROP @ get x size of grob on stack
IF DUP #0d == THEN @ if the label was a null string
DROP DROP DROP @ drop PICT, grob and grob size from stack,
@ and leave keyboard picture unchanged
y 'y+6' FOR line @ for each row of pixels in the key
x1 line R\->B 2 \->LIST @ make pixel coordinate {x1 line}
x2 line R\->B 2 \->LIST @ make pixel coordinate {x2 line}
LINE @ draw a line between them
NEXT @ the key has now been erased
'x1+x2+2' EVAL SWAP - @ find x-coordinate to put grob at
2 / @ (x size of grob was already on stack)
y #1d + @ find y-coordinate to put grob at
2 \->LIST SWAP GXOR @ put label in keyboard picture
END @ end "if grob size = 0"
\>> @ end of x2, x1, y local variable block
PICT {#0d #0d}
#131d n #8d * 2 \->LIST @ coordinates of lower right corner of picture
SUB ugrob STO @ extract picture from screen and store it
uvalues RCL @ get key values list
DUP row GET @ extract list for the row
DO @ loop until valid key input
"C-constant object" 1 DISP @ display menu
"L-library constant" 2 DISP
"M-menu" 3 DISP
"N-no change" 4 DISP
"P-program name" 5 DISP
"U-unit" 6 DISP
0 WAIT IP @ get (integer part of) key number
DUP 13 == THEN @ "c" was pressed
DROP @ drop key number
"Constant Object" { V }
INPUT OBJ\-> @ input constant as string and make it object
1 \->LIST @ turn it into a one element list
1 @ leave 1 on stack to indicate success
DUP 26 == THEN @ if "l" pressed
DROP @ drop key number
"Constant Name"
{ \Ga } INPUT @ input constant name as a string
"\<< '" SWAP + @ make string
"' CONST \>>" + @ "\<< 'constantname' CONST \>>"
OBJ\-> @ turn string into a program
1 \->LIST @ put program in a list
1 @ indicate success
DUP 31 == THEN @ if "m" pressed
DROP @ drop key number
"\<< '" @ start of program string
"Graphic variable name"
{ \Ga } INPUT + "' '" + @ get name of picture variable, add to string
"Values variable name"
{ \Ga } INPUT +
"' UMENU \>>" + @ string contains
@ "\<< 'grobname' 'valuename' UMENU \>>"
OBJ\-> @ turn string into a program
1 \->LIST @ put program in a list
1 @ indicate success
DUP 32 == THEN @ if "n" pressed
DROP @ drop key number
DUP col GET 1 \->LIST @ get current value of key to stack
1 @ indicate success
DUP 34 == THEN @ if "p" pressed
DROP @ drop key number
"Program name" { \Ga }
INPUT "\<< " @ get program name as a string
SWAP + " \>>" + OBJ\-> @ make program \<< programname \>>
1 \->LIST @ put into a list
1 @ indicate success
43 == THEN @ if "u" pressed
"Unit Name" { \Ga } INPUT @ get unit as a string
\-> u
"\<< 1_" u + " * \>>"
+ OBJ\-> @ make program \<< 1_unit * \>>
"\<< 1_" u + " CONVERT \>>"
+ OBJ\-> @ make program \<< 1_unit CONVERT \>>
"\<< 1_" u + " / \>>"
+ OBJ\-> @ make program \<< 1_unit / \>>
3 \->LIST @ make a list of the three programs
1 @ indicate success
0 @ else indicate failure
END @ end of case statement
UNTIL @ loop again if 0 on stack
col SWAP PUT @ put the object generated into row list
row SWAP PUT @ put the modified row list into main list
uvalues STO @ store in values variable
\>> @ end of row, col local variable block
ugrob uvalues @ return variable names to stack
\>> @ end of ugrob, uvalues, n local variable block
\>> @ end of program
Checksum: #42B7h Size:263.5
%%HP: T(3)A(D)F(.);
\-> ugrob uvalues @ store variable names in ugrob, uvalues
LCD\-> @ turn stack display into a picture
{#0d #0d} ugrob RCL REPL @ overwrite the top of picture with keyboard
PICT STO @ and store in graphics screen
{#0d #0d} PVIEW @ store composite keyboard/stack display
0 WAIT @ get keystroke
IFERR @ (keystroke might be from too low on keyboard)
uvalues RCL @ put values list on stack
OVER 10 / IP GET @ extract row from this list (could give error)
OVER 10 MOD GET @ extract key from row list (should not give
@ error)
THEN @ (does following if error)
DROP DROP DROP KILL @ return stack to pristine status and die
IFERR @ (values list might not have defined response
@ for a shifted key, or the key might never
@ have been defined by UMOD)
SWAP FP 10 * GET @ extract program from key list
DROP DROP KILL @ restore stack and die
EVAL @ execute the program extracted from values
@ list
\>> @ end of local variables list.